Custom Targeted Training Plan

Custom Targeted Training Plan


Customized training plans are perfect for accelerating your growth as a climber. Each plan is developed for you specifically, based on your needs, to target areas of weakness and maximize progress!

There are 5 Steps to our Custom Targeted Plans:

  1. Getting to know YOU. We gather information from you, about your goals, experience, and the training equipment you have available.

  2. Assessment. You’ll complete our climbing fitness assessment to see what your current strength metrics are, and we’ll identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

  3. Build. We build your Custom Targeted Plan and schedule a 1-on-1, 30 min phone call with your trainer to go over your plan with you.

  4. Check in time! Half-way through your training cycle, you’ll have a second 1-on-1, 30 min phone call with your trainer to see how you’ve been progressing. You’ll get answers to any questions you may have, and your trainer can make modifications to your plan if needed.

  5. Support. Your trainer is always available via email, and will answer any questions you have along the way.

Duration: 3 Months

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