Ontario Rock Climbing: The Best of Southern Ontario

Ontario Rock Climbing: The Best of Southern Ontario
This guidebook covers the best of Southern Ontario’s rock climbing crags – The Swamp, Devil’s Glen, Metcalfe, Old Baldy, Mount Nemo, and Lion’s Head. Cape Croker is also covered, and other areas such as Rattlesnake Point are unlocked via the Vertical Life app, with more areas coming. Closed crags that are on private land and have become overgrown and unclimbable are left out. The print guidebook has several features – the most important is that it’s photo intensive, having photos of most routes. Put together and maintained by a team of experts, each area is incredibly up-to-date. On top of that, we’ve given the guidebook a fun look to make the guidebook enjoyable to pore through on and off the walls.
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