We offer a variety of programs for our members. Whether you’re an absolute beginner or a more experienced climber, there’s something for everyone!


Youth Programs

Kids Club - Our recreational kids clubs are a great way to introduce youth to the world of climbing in a fun and engaging way. They’ll have fun and develop a healthy love for the sport!

Competitive Youth Teams - If your kids are ready to get serious about climbing, they should join our competitive teams. With two training sessions a week, we’ll prepare them for competitions while having fun at the same time!

Sunday Kids Climb - Sunday mornings are the best opportunity for kids to come in and climb with other children their age. A discounted morning rate allows kids to come in and make new friends while getting some exercise in!

Summer Camps - Every summer we hold multiple week-long summer camps to keep kids entertained while class is out. Prevent summer boredom by enrolling your kids early!

PA Day Camps - A great way to keep kids occupied during their day off. Classes might be canceled, but they can learn something new on our walls!


Programs for Every Age

Beginner Lessons - Not sure what to do on the wall? Our free lessons will get you sorted out in no time!

Core Crush Climb - Having a strong core is key to sending hard, especially on overhung terrain. Get fit and ready to crush!

Outdoor Bouldering Safety Seminar - Climbing outside is a completely different world. Learn how to best prepare yourself for the outdoors, where proper attention and respect for your environment is necessary to ensure a safe time.

Toprock Run Club - In the summers, we like to make sure our cardio is top notch! Come run with us, and then take part in our fall 5K and 10K Run!

Adult-Only Lessons

Advanced Skills Lessons - If you’ve got the basics down but are having trouble breaking your plateau, this is the class for you.

Group Fitness Classes - Get strong off the wall, to improve your performance on the wall!